Programming based on engagement in artistic activities such as painting or drawing as a means of creative expression and symbolic communication especially in individuals affected with an addiction, mental or emotional disorders. In art therapy participants express their feelings not just through discussion, but through drawing, painting and sculpting. That why this type of therapy is thought to be especially helpful for participants who have difficulties articulating feelings-including those with addiction issues.

Participants will be transported to the HopeCAT once a week for Art Programming; up to two groups of eight.

HopeCAT classes are held in a contemporary high-tech, newly renovated school on the West Hill in Sharon, PA (The former Sacred Heart Elementary School).  Our school is filled with art and light and is fully equipped with classrooms, computer labs, and art studios to serve students, both youth and adult, throughout our region.

We provide a healthy environment uniquely suited to support your growth and healing.

1980 Green St.Farrell, PA 16121

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Resolutions Recovery Center © 2021 All Rights Reserved.